题目地址:https://leetcode.com/problems/employee-importance/description/open in new window


Youare given a data structure of employee information, which includes the employee's unique id, his importance value and his direct subordinates' id.

Forexample, employee 1 is the leader of employee 2, and employee 2 is the leader of employee 3. They have importance value 15, 10 and 5, respectively. Then employee 1 has a data structure like [1, 15, [2]], and employee 2 has [2, 10, [3]], and employee 3 has [3, 5, []]. Note that although employee 3 is also a subordinate of employee 1, the relationship is not direct.

Nowgiven the employee information of a company, and an employee id, you need to return the total importance value of this employee and all his subordinates.

Example 1:

Input: [[1, 5, [2, 3]], [2, 3, []], [3, 3, []]], 1
Output: 11
Employee 1 has importance value 5, and he has two direct subordinates: employee 2 and employee 3. They both have importance value 3. So the total importance value of employee 1 is 5 + 3 + 3 = 11.


1、 Oneemployeehasatmostonedirectleaderandmayhaveseveralsubordinates.;
2、 Themaximumnumberofemployeeswon'texceed2000.;


给的数据结构是[1, 5, [2, 3]]表示的是1号员工的重要性是5,有两个下属2和3。








# Employee info
class Employee(object):
    def __init__(self, id, importance, subordinates):
        It's the unique id of each node.
        unique id of this employee
        self.id = id
        the importance value of this employee
        self.importance = importance
        the id of direct subordinates
        self.subordinates = subordinates
class Solution(object):
    def getImportance(self, employees, id):
        :type employees: Employee
        :type id: int
        :rtype: int
        employee_dict = {employee.id : employee for employee in employees}
        def dfs(id):
            return employee_dict[id].importance + sum(dfs(id) for id in employee_dict[id].subordinates)
        return dfs(id)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 二刷,换了一个写法,没有新定义dfs,而是直接使用了题目给的函数。效率竟然提高了不少。

# Employee info
class Employee:
    def __init__(self, id, importance, subordinates):
        It's the unique id of each node.
        unique id of this employee
        self.id = id
        the importance value of this employee
        self.importance = importance
        the id of direct subordinates
        self.subordinates = subordinates
class Solution:
    def getImportance(self, employees, id):
        :type employees: Employee
        :type id: int
        :rtype: int
        emap = {employee.id : employee for employee in employees}
        res = emap[id].importance
        for sub in emap[id].subordinates:
            res += self.getImportance(employees, sub)
        return res

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

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