

Given a list of unique words, find all pairs of distinct indices (i, j) in the given list, so that the concatenation of the two words, i.e. words[i] + words[j] is a palindrome.

Example 1:

Input: ["abcd","dcba","lls","s","sssll"]
Output: [[0,1],[1,0],[3,2],[2,4]] 
Explanation: The palindromes are ["dcbaabcd","abcddcba","slls","llssssll"]

Example 2:

Input: ["bat","tab","cat"]
Output: [[0,1],[1,0]] 
Explanation: The palindromes are ["battab","tabbat"]





这个题暴力求解会超时,优秀的解法还真不是容易想出来。不愧是Hard题啊,这个也是我做的第600个题。我就照搬大神的解法了[LeetCode]Palindrome Pairsopen in new window

O(k* n ^2)解法 其中k为单词个数,n为单词的长度:

利用字典wmap保存单词 -> 下标的键值对


1). 若当前单词word本身为回文,且words中存在空串,则将空串下标bidx与idx加入答案

2). 若当前单词的逆序串在words中,则将逆序串下标ridx与idx加入答案

3). 将当前单词word拆分为左右两半left,right。

     3.1) 若left为回文,并且right的逆序串在words中,则将right的逆序串下标rridx与idx加入答案
     3.2) 若right为回文,并且left的逆序串在words中,则将left的逆序串下标idx与rlidx加入答案

时间复杂度是O(k * n ^2),空间复杂度是O(kN).

class Solution(object):
    def palindromePairs(self, words):
        :type words: List[str]
        :rtype: List[List[int]]
        wmap = {w : i for i, w in enumerate(words)}
        def isPalindrome(word):
            _len = len(word)
            for x in range(_len / 2):
                if word[x] != word[_len - x - 1]:
                    return False
            return True
        res = set()
        for idx, word in enumerate(words):
            if word and isPalindrome(word) and "" in wmap:
                nidx = wmap[""]
                res.add((idx, nidx))
                res.add((nidx, idx))
            rword = word[::-1]
            if word and rword in wmap:
                nidx = wmap[rword]
                if idx != nidx:
                    res.add((idx, nidx))
                    res.add((nidx, idx))
            for x in range(1, len(word)):
                left, right = word[:x], word[x:]
                rleft, rright = left[::-1], right[::-1]
                if isPalindrome(left) and rright in wmap:
                    res.add((wmap[rright], idx))
                if isPalindrome(right) and rleft in wmap:
                    res.add((idx, wmap[rleft]))
        return list(res)

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