题目地址: https://leetcode.com/problems/global-and-local-inversions/description/
Wehave some permutation A of [0, 1, ..., N - 1]
, where N is the length of A.
Thenumber of (global) inversions is the number of i < j
with 0 <= i < j < N
and A[i] > A[j]
Thenumber of local inversions is the number of i with 0 <= i < N
and A[i] > A[i+1]
Return true if and only if the number of global inversions is equal to the number of local inversions.
Example 1:
Input: A = [1,0,2]
Output: true
Explanation: There is 1 global inversion, and 1 local inversion.
Example 2:
Input: A = [1,2,0]
Output: false
Explanation: There are 2 global inversions, and 1 local inversion.
1、 Awillbeapermutationof[0,1,...,A.length-1].;
2、 Awillhavelengthinrange[1,5000].;
3、 Thetimelimitforthisproblemhasbeenreduced.;
如果存在i < j
with 0 <= i < j < N
and A[i] > A[j]
,称之为一个全局翻转。 如果存在0 <= i < N
and A[i] > A[i+1]
,称之为一个局部翻转。 判断一个由0~N - 1组成的一个乱序数组中,全局翻转的个数与局部翻转的个数是否相等。
首先当j = i + 1时,可以看出,一个局部翻转就是一个全局翻转。那么如果要使得局部翻转和全局翻转的个数相等,那么必须要求全局翻转也是一个局部翻转。所以,对于任意的j > i + 1,不能存在A[i] > A[j],即需要满足A[i] <= A[j].
从上面的关系可以看出,我们必须使max(A[:i]) <= A[i + 2]。
class Solution(object):
def isIdealPermutation(self, A):
:type A: List[int]
:rtype: bool
cmax = 0
for i in range(len(A) - 2):
cmax = max(cmax, A[i])
if cmax > A[i + 2]:
return False
return True
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class Solution(object):
def isIdealPermutation(self, A):
:type A: List[int]
:rtype: bool
for i, a in enumerate(A):
if abs(a - i) > 1:
return False
return True
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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